March 2017

This afternoon my buddy Joe and I are hopping into a zipcar to Trenton, NJ to check out a Miracle. Specifically, MIRACLE IN RWANDA. It’s often said that all of yoga philosophy can be summarized as “Letting Go.” Whether it’s about clinging to the past, worrying about the future, or ...
“Do not be afraid to suffer, give the heaviness back to the weight of the earth.” RILKE Last weekend I hosted a Yantra Painting workshop in my apartment (although technically Belle actually hosted it since I was gone 80% of the time teaching). It was led by my friend Sarah Tomlinson whoR...
I’m a little embarrassed (but still flattered) to share this profile of myself in MAGICAL GODDESS magazine. I thoroughly enjoyed answering their questions and I hope it’s an interest read HERE.
The mystics always get there first. In the 1300s, Hafiz wrote that gender prejudices were a “mighty joke” since on a spiritual level we are all connected, all One. Only now is the message rising to the surface in popular culture. This week I co-hosted a small viewing party for my friend Ivory A...